whats new in my mind... if you don't mind

My photo
North Avoca, NSW, Australia
robsWORDS is my name... I suppose you could say im am an artist who draws he's inspiration from nonsense and all of life's creations that don't need to be making sense… I really enjoy the sun, its power and effect it has on all of us through our senses... its energy can change my creative decisions so quickly... i thrive on spontinuity, it shines in my art, traveling, music and water/land activities... Thanks for stopping by and having a little look... enjoy

Nov 12, 2012

hello there, so if i have told you to come check out some of my drawing and nonsense on this page thanks for stopping by the monster mash potato mash up of robs-words.
i haven't been up loading much this last year and a bit, its been hard because not much interweb action has 

been at my finger tips. 

ive been in europe and morocco for a while visiting some great places, making a lot of new life long friends, surfing a lot of waves, eating wierd wonderful foods, and expanding my mind creating and painting using different mediums... 

whether it be painting a wall, caravans, surfboards, hard boiled eggs, human torso's or even cutting and pasting or making a colourful macaronni necklace then eating it with a nice bolognese and parmesan ive enjoyed myself a lot.
i hope you enjoy the monster mash potato

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